Anyone who has lived in Athens will tell you that Boulevard is a special place. Originally a blue collar and middle class neighborhood, the homes of Boulevard were built on the land that once backed up to the mansions flanking Prince Avenue. Now simply a picturesque and broad street, Boulevard was once home to a streetcar that would transport residents of the original Athens suburb into town each day. Today, residents often walk the street on their way into town, accompanied by dogs and strollers. Cyclists enjoy a rest from the traffic of Prince and the relatively flat expanse is a haven for joggers. The Victorian ladies and bungalows, the quaint cottages and the majestic columned beauties that line the namesake street, shaded by the branches of grandiose trees, require a unique type of person to call them home. These homes call out for residents that crave community, that look for a sense of history and place in their dwelling, that want to know their neighbors and be a part of something bigger in their everyday life. Boulevard is a community full of heirloom homes that have been carefully guarded and treasured so that each new resident can create a haven for themselves and their families here. At Heirloom Café & Fresh Market, we can think of no other community that we would rather be a part of, and we feel honored that the residents of Historic Boulevard have been so generous with their support.
Thank you, Boulevard, for welcoming us. We look forward to serving you for years to come.